Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Ethan's Day!

Today at school I came in at 7:55 am. I went down for safety patrol. I came back upstairs and did my morning work. Next, we talked about unicorns. Then, at about 9:30 am we went to the music room and rehearsed our choreography for the Christmas play. Then at 10:05 am we went to the library. Afterwards we had reading, and we read about special effects. Next, we went to lunch and I had a turkey sandwich and Cheetos to eat. After lunch we had math. Finally we were able to go to recess. When we got back to the classroom we read Gladys Aylward. We packed up and it was time to go home, but I still had basketball practice. 

Kaleb's day!

Good Morning, I’m Kaleb #8 and today, November 27th, I was the Roving Reporter.

 First, I woke up and got ready for school.  I got dressed, brushed my teeth, put on my socks and shoes, and gathered my book bags and lunchbox for school. Then I went to school and ate a breakfast burrito for breakfast while I waited in the car.  When it was 7:45, I went to my class.  I wrote my assignments in my planner.  After that, I put on my belt and went downstairs to help kids at safety patrol. Next, I went back to class to finish my Bible morning work.  Mr. Mitchell made an announcement over the intercom saying, “There’s a writing assignment for each class.  Turn to channel 119 for your writing assignment.” Then we started the writing assignment.  We had to write an essay about the three things we like to do. I wrote about swimming, basketball and running track. In the middle of the writing assignment, we took a break and went to the Christmas store. I really liked the mini flutes. When we got back to class, we finished our writing assignment. We started a math test soon after that.  In the middle of the math test, we stopped and went to lunch. I was very hungry!  I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, cheez-its, dried apples, applesauce and raisins with a juice box and water. It was delicious! Afterwards, we went back upstairs to finish the math test.  When we finished, we went to computer class. We learned the steps on decorating a Christmas tree using different shapes. Meanwhile, we went back to class and I still had some of my math test to finish. Finally, it was time to pack up and go downstairs.  I sat in the hallway to wait for my mom.  I had an awesome day at school today! 

Friday, November 9, 2012

This morning it was a beautiful day, as I walked into the room and started my morning work. We had to write our bible verse and complete a spelling page. Later, our class had art and worked on drawing adobe houses. When we came back from art, our assignment was to do a reading and a language page. Finally it was lunchtime, I was STARVING.

   Next, we practiced “Wings for the King”. It is a play the class is preforming for the kindergarteners.  McKenzie and I had to go to the library afterwards to get books which told about the play. Eventually, it was math and we did A. M.

   I glanced at the clock and it was time for PE. At Last! In PE we played scatter ball outside. We got a lot of exercise and had lots of fun. Isn’t it great we live in Florida so we can play outside in November? Unfortunately, PE ended and the fifth grade went back to our classroom.

   Once back in the classroom the teacher gave a science review. Finally it was time to go home and Mrs. Couch announced “pack up”. I heard “Summer Dobbins” and went outside got in the car and well… that was only ONE of many awesome days I have at school.